
For emergencies or questions about district buildings, call 490-3333 

Facility Services coordinates the district's facilities maintenance program and is comprised of Building Maintenance, Custodial Services, Customer Support Center, Energy & Environmental Management, and Outdoor Services. Facility Services operates at an optimal level of efficiency and effectiveness so that all school and 澳洲幸运10 sites are maintained at a functional, comfortable level, providing a safe and healthy environment for staff and 澳洲幸运10.

Facility Services maintains over 4 million square feet in 73 district buildings sitting on 965 acres: 32 elementary schools, 10 middle schools, 6 high schools, 1 district stadium, 3 other school program sites (early childhood, alternative), 33 portable classrooms, 21 other structures housing administrative and 澳洲幸运10 functions, and 5 storage and covered parking structures. In addition, staff maintain 342 acres of irrigated turf.

General information:


Project Proposals

In 澳洲幸运10 of district policy EC – Property Management, project proposals are required for any change in the intended use of District buildings or grounds, and for projects requiring the management of multiple trades and/or a permit from a regulatory agency.

To begin the project proposal process submit a "Special Projects" work order through SchoolDude. Attach any 澳洲幸运10ing documentation (i.e. drawings, photos) to the work order.

All special project work orders are reviewed regularly by our Facilities Steering Committee. During that review a member of the project team is assigned your proposal and will contact you regarding project status.

Questions? Contact Facility Services at 490-3544 or facilities@gelanliyi.com.


Agricultural Land Leases

Agricultural Land Available for Lease

  • Cherry Heights Site: located at the southeast corner of the curve along State Highway 1 and County Road 15, approximately 3.75 miles north of the Highway 1 and North College Ave intersection. The parcel is approximately 35 acres of non-irrigated pastureland

Agricultural Land Lease Process

Information detailing the District's agricultural land lease process can be found here.

Competitive Bid Process and Applications

Competitive bid applications must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. on October 31, 2023 with the following requirements:

Fully completed applications can be submitted electronically to Poudre School District at facilities@gelanliyi.com or delivered to the Operations Center at 2445 LaPorte Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80521.


Questions? Contact Poudre School District Operations at (970) 490-3544 or facilities@gelanliyi.com


Contact Information

Assistant Director of Facilities
Trudy Trimbath | 970.490.3502 | facilities@gelanliyi.com

Office Manager
Poscha McDougall | 970.490.3544 | pmcdougall@gelanliyi.com